Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sprint HTC Arrive with Windows Phone 7 copy and paste first hands-on! (video)

HTC also brought along a Sprint-branded Arrive to our San Francisco reader meetup, and while we're already familiar with this Windows Phone 7 slider from our time with the HTC 7 Pro it's still nice to see a CDMA WP7 device in the flesh. Oh, and the keyboard is pretty fantastic -- not only does it feel great, but the dedicated number row alone is...

Cellphones, Mobile Handsets Visualized: the HTC keyboard slider family

Clockwise from the top left, that's the the Sprint Arrive, the likely-for-Verizon Merge, the Sprint Evo Shift 4G, and the T-Mobile G2. If we had to rate them, we'd say the Arrive has the best key feel, followed by the Merge, the Evo Shift, and finally the cramped G2 -- although the super cheap-feeling hinge on the Evo Shift knocks off several...

Cellphones, Mobile Handsets HTC Freestyle for AT&T hands-on

Last time we checked in with the Freestyle back at CES, we couldn't turn it on -- but things are a little different here at our luxe meetup in San Francisco this evening. Honestly, the phone looks and feels great, doing a great job hiding its Brew MP-based, not-quite-smartphone underpinnings; pricing is still a concern, but the month-to-month...

How would you change Panasonic's Lumix DFC-GF2?

We're drowning in interchangeable lens options, but that's far from being a bad thing. For those that finally caved and picked up Panasonic's Lumix DFC-GF2, we're interested to see how you'd change things if given that golden opportunity. Are you satisfied with the size, weight and design? How's the low-light performance? Would you alter anything...

AOC Aire Black LED-backlit monitors, more of the same, now in black

If this super slim monitor looks familiar, it's for a good reason -- AOC's new Aire Black LED monitors are nearly identical to their white counterparts, save a couple exceptions. As the name suggests, the new monitors are an all black affair, and come in 20-, 22-, and 23-inch iterations. The slender screens also come equipped with a new software...

Windows Phone's new UI and Xbox games are most exciting aspects of Microsoft deal, says Nokia poll

In search for feedback on its momentous decision to dump Symbian in favor of Windows Phone, Nokia has put up the above poll on its Conversations website canvassing opinions about what users anticipate most out of the new deal. There's no consensus choice, with the equivocation of reactions being underlined by the fact that the "Other" option was...

Top 10 highly anticipated PS3 games for 2011

2010. What a year for video games. With so many classic games coming out in a single year. I could hardly think of any better year for gaming then 2010. Video games released so far have been of the highest quality, games like Mass Effect 2,  Alan Wake, God of War 3, Starcraft 2, Heavy Rain and something for all on all platforms, video gaming...

Interview with Runic Games

Erich Schaefer, Brock Jones, and Wonder Russell answer our questions about Torchlight for 360 (achievements!), Torchlight 2 (new pet!), and what to do with PC gaming doomsayers. CS: For anyone that hasn’t heard the news - Torchlight is coming to Xbox 360. How long has that been in the works and when will it hit? RG: We’ve been working on...

GameXplain: Trinity: Souls of Zil Review

Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll is one of those games you don’t expect to be good. Most people have never heard of the game, it has a weird title, and the cover art is goofy. But I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by Omega Force’s action RPG effort. Though it’s definitely no masterpiece, this game has an irrepressible charm to it, and the...

Street Fighter IV Pro Gamer Documentary Screening at Art Center

The Street Fighter sub-culture is an incredible one.  The tournaments, the fans, the clubs; it all comes together to create a legitimate legacy for the series that continues to last well beyond the series’ releases. The latest comes in the form of FOCUS: A Documentary.  FOCUS is a film by Director Steve Hwang and 5th Period Productions...

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood đột nhập PC vào 22 tháng 3

(Game8) – Phiên bản PC của tựa game hành động đình đám Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood công bố ngày phát hành cũng như cấu hình yêu cầu Tương tự như người tiền nhiệm Assassin’s Creed II, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood sẽ đặt chân lên PC sau người anh em console của mình vài tháng. Ubisoft đã đưa ra thông báo chính thức...